Academic Bank of Credits
In tandem with the National Education Policy, the college strives to provide information to the learners regarding the latest and novel changes in the education and employment sector to all learners. As such, the institution caters to give an orientation on the Academic Bank of Credits to its entire academic fraternity and make them understand the novelties of the latest programme introduced under the aegis of the affiliating university – the University of Kerala. As of July 2024, the college has started the process of inducting students into the new programme to facilitate the learners for seamless mobility between higher education institutions through credit recognition, credit accumulation, credit transfer, and credit redemption to promote distributed and flexible teaching and learning. The learners were guided on the process of how to obtain APAAR ID and ABC. The learners who have obtained admission into the Four-Year Undergraduate Programmes have been registered in the University Academic Credits Platform for uploading their credits.