Capability Enhancement

Career Counselling is a process that focuses on helping one understand one’s own self, as well as work trends, so that one can take an informed decision about career and education. Career Counselling helps manage a diverse range of problems such as low concentration levels to poor time management, trust issues with family to non-agreement between parents and children on which career to choose. In order to understand Career Counselling a little better, let us look at its most important elements.
Taking into consideration the fierce competition in the employability sector in the present times, the P.G Department of English offers a compulsory certificate programme in Employability Skills for all P.G students of the college. The course aims at honing the four soft skills of the students making them better prepared for the future. It is conducted for first year P.G students of all the departments in the evening after regular college hours. The course aims at building up the confidence of the students through coaching in effective communication skills. It teaches them how to face an audience with elan, make effective presentations and basically works at developing their overall personality.
The P.G Department of English boasts of a developed language laboratory that is used to teach phonetics and reduce the impact of the mother tongue in the students. The laboratory is a combination of both the earlier glottophone consoles of which there are ten and a main system as well as the most recent software based system name Oliva. There are four computers on which this is operational. The lab is used both for English main students, English P.G students as well as those who opt for English as an open course. Screening of Shakespeare plays and other literature based content is also facilitated through a DVD player, TV as well as a good collection of DVDs. This facility is mainly used by P.G students. The lab has undoubtedly gone a long way towards improving the quality of the language spoken by students. It provides them with a unique interactive learning method and inspires them hone their pronunciation methods.