
The college encourages the faculty members to participate in research activities in three ways:
- by providing information about funding agencies available to them and simplifying the process of application for funds
- by creating a clear and transparent process of applying for the necessary leave in order to undertake research activities
- by supporting research through funds accessed by the college if necessary, and also providing TA/DA to them to travel to attend seminars, lectures etc
Sl. No | Year | Name of investigator | Department of recipient | Name of Project | Duration of the project | Amount received | Funding agency | Year of sanction | STATUS |
1 | 2016-17 | Dr.Ajitha Kumari | TAMIL | Bilingual Aspects of Nair Community in Kanyakumari District | 2 years | 40,000/- | UGC | 2016-17 | ON GOING |
2 | 2013-14 | Dr. Bindu K Ravi | HISTORY | Khilafat Movement in Malabar and National Struggle | 2 years | 75,000/- | UGC | 2013-14 | COMPLETED
3 | 2012-13 | Dr. H.Padma Kumar | PHYSICS | Investigations on certain doped zirconia and hafnia based nano crystalline pervoskites for optoelectronic applications | 3 years | 23,76,000/- | SERB-DST | 2012 | COMPLETED
4 | 2016-17 | Dr. Deepa. V | PHYSICS | A multi wave length integrating nephelometer for characterizing tropospheric aerosol | 3 years | 26,25,000/- | KSCSTE | 2016 | ON GOING |
5 | 2015-16 | Dr. K. Sreenath | CHEMISTRY | Development of Easy and Affordable test Kits to Detect Adulterants in Milk | 1 Year | 10,000 | KSCSTE | 2016 | ON GOING |
6 | 2016-17 | Dr. Ratheesh Kumar V.K | CHEMISTRY | Design and development of photoactive ligands for transition and inner transition metal complexes | 2 years | 3,07,500/- | UGC | 2016 | COMPLETED |
7 | 2015-16 | Dr. Sarasija.P | ZOOLOGY | A study of the age of menarche among the adolescent females of rural areas of 7Thiruvananthapuram | 1 year | 10,000/- | KSETCE
SPITiS Scheme |
8 | 2015-16 | Dr. Ambili Nath | ZOOLOGY | An assessment on learning and behavioural complexity among school going children at the rural educational institutions in Trivantrym | 1 year | 10,000/- | KSETCE
SPITiS Scheme |
9 | 2012-13 | Dr.Vinod A.S. | COMMERCE | Rural marketing practices of selected consumer products- with special referrence toPalakkad district | 1.5 years | 80,000 | UGC | 2012 | COMPLETED
10 | 2016-17 | Dr. Rakesh S | COMMERCE | Enterpreneurial Challenges in theTourism Sector in Kerala | 1 years | 60,000 | UGC | 2015-16 | COMPLETED |
11 | 2017-18 | Dr. Vinod A.S. | COMMERCE | Market potential of Kettuvallam Tourism-An emerging tourism sector in Kerala | 1.5 years | 70,000 | UGC | 2017 | COMPLTED
12 | 2012-13 | Dr. V S Santhosh | COMMERCE | Kerala Tourism – A Study on the Need for New Age Marketing among Facilitators | 1.5 years | 60,000 | UGC | 2013 | COMPLTED |
13 | 2012-13 | Lakshmi Priya N. | ENGLISH | Online Social Networking: The New Media Culture, Literature and Education | 1.5 yesrs | UGC | 2013 | COMPLTED | |
14 | 2012-13 | Dr.Bindu K Ravi. | History | THE KHILAFAT MOVEMENT IN MALABAR AND NATIONAL STRUGGLE | 1.5 years | UGC | 2013 | COMPLTED |
Sl.No |
Name and Faculty | RESEARCH SUBJECT |
No.of candidates |
No.of Ph.D produced |
1. |
Dr. M. Vijayan Pillai | MALAYALAM |
Ac E1 A2.026108/2008 |
6 |
0 |
2. |
Dr.B.Anil Kumar, | ECONOMICS |
Ac E1.A1/016013/2013 |
5 |
0 |
3. |
Dr.H.Padmakumar | PHYSICS |
No.Ac.E1.A1/023140/2014 |
2 |
0 |
4. |
Dr.Vinod A.S | COMMERCE | No.ACEVII/15167/2017 |
6 |
0 |
5 |
Dr.Gayathri Elayidam | ZOOLOGY | No.Ac.E1.A1/50455/2015 |
2 |
0 |
6 |
Dr. V. Chithra Devi | HISTORY | No.Ac.E1.A1/034638/2010 |
5 |
1 |
Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number |
india Tourism Bringing ito play fractol marketing strategies |
Dr V S Santhosh | Commerce | Proceedings of the Kanyakumari Academy of arts and science |
2012-13 | 978-93-81658-02-4 |
ICT and rural tourism in kerala- opprotunities and Challenges |
Dr V S Santhosh | Commerce | Rural Ecommerce in India- emerging trends and challenges |
2012-13 | 978-93-5104-594-6 |
an analytical study of cassava and rice cultivation in kerala with special reference to climate change | Dr S Jayadev | Commerce | Proceedings International conference on the impact of climate change on food security held at Bishopmore college, mavelikkara | 2012-13 | 978-81-7821-340-8 |
Backwater tourism in Kerala with special referrence to Alappuzha district- Major threats and remedies |
Dr S Jayadev | Commerce | Tourism trends And Strategies | 2012-13 | 978-81-8411-370-9 |
Influence of FDI and Retail Sector | Dr S Jayadev | Commerce | Yojana | 2013-13 | ISSN 0971-8400 |
a case study on Testing the Market Efficiency of NSE |
Dr S Jayadev | Commerce | Management Researcher | 2012-13 | ISSN 2230-8431 |
Concern for Droupouts in Govt Schools Problems and Anxieties |
Dr S Jayadev | Commerce | Yojana | 2012-13 | ISSN 0971-8397 |
An Empirical study on the financial pattern of paddy cultivation in Kerala |
Dr S Jayadev | Commerce | Journal of Commerce And Management research | 2012-13 | ISSN 2249-0442 |
An analytical study on students educational loan in Malabar region of Kerala |
Dr S Jayadev | Commerce | Mirror | 2012-13 | ISSN 2249-8117 |
The New Paradigm for Clinicians | Dr Sreela p nair | English | IJSST | 2012-14 | ISSN 2277-4998 |
the minds of myths | Dr Sreela p nair | English | IJSST | 2012-15 | ISSN 2277-4998 |
colonial discourse on hindi short stories | Dr Sreela p nair | English | IJSST | 2012-16 | ISSN 2277-4998 |
Tribal Land Alienation in Kerala: An Interrogation’ in Mahatma Ayyankali: Interface of an Era of Social Resurgence and Resistance | Dr.Harikrishnan S | HISTORY | University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram | 2012 – 13 | ISBN 978-81-923425-0-4 |
t-Pebbling Number of some Multipartate Graphs | Dr.Anil Kumar | MATHEMATICS | Global Journal of Mathematical: Science. | 2012 – 13 | ISSN 0974-3200 |
QWL In life Insurance Sector-An Evaluations of Employees perspective | Anitha.K | Commerce | In the peer refered journal “Organizational Management” | 2012 – 13 | ISSN 0975-699X |
“An assessment of Employees perspection towards reward management in service sector | Anitha.K | Commerce | In the pere refered journal “Organizational Management” | 2012 – 13 | ISSN 0975-699X |
ENTREPRENEURSHIP | Manjula.K.G. | COMMERCE | journal Management Researcher (Vol-XX No.2) |
2013 – 14 | ISSN 2230-8431 |
“Employee attrition and retention in LIC-An Assessment on Employees Perspective | Anitha.K | Commerce | Commerce and Management Explorer | 2013 – 14 | ISSN 2230-9187 |
“A study on the level of job satisfaction among the employees in the life insurance sector | Anitha.K | Commerce | Peer referred channel Mirror | 2013 – 14 | ISSN 2249-8117 |
Forensic Accounting: An Emerging Discipline | Vishnu Gopan | Commerce | journal Management Researcher (Vol-XX No.2) | 2013 – 14 | ISSN 2230-8431 |
“Competing adiabiatic and non-adiabatic pathways in the cis- trans photoisomerization of cis- 1,2- di(1- methyl-2- naphthy) ethane. A zwitter- ionic twisted intermediate. | Ratheesh Kumar V.K | Chemistry | Photochem.Photobiol | 2013 – 14 | ISSN 1474-9092 |
Distinguishing Forster resonance energy transfer and solvent mediated charge-transfer relaxation dynamics in a zinc (II) indicator: a femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopic study. | Sreenath.K | Chemistry | Physical chemistry Chemical Physics | 2013 – 14 | ISSN 1463-9084 |
X(3) measurements of axial ligand modified high valent tin (IV) Porphyrins using degenerate four wave mixing at 532nm | Dr. P.Sudheesh | Physics | | 2014- 15 | ISBN 978-07354-1257-6 |
Natural dye-doped poly (methyle methacrylate) micro particles of non linear optics | Dr. P.Sudheesh | Physics | Micro and Nano Letters | 2014- 15 | ISSN 1750-0443 |
A Fluorescent Indicator for Imaging Lysosomal Zinc(II) with Forster Resonance Energy Transfer(FRET)-Enhanced Photostability and a Narrow Band of Emission | Sreenath.K | Chemistry | Chemistry A Europian J | 2014- 15 | ISSN 1521-3765 |
“ Four – component fluorescence of trans-1, 2-Di(1-methyl-2-naphthyl) ethane at 77 K in Glassy media. | Ratheesh Kumar V.K | Chemistry | J. Phys.Chem.A | 2014- 15 | ISSN 1089-5639 |
Zn(II)-coordination modulated ligand photophysial processes-the development of fluorescent indicators for imaging biological Zn(II)ions | Sreenath.K | Chemistry | RSC Advances | 2014- 15 | ISSN 2046-2069 |
Tylophora Subramanium Hentry. An Endemic Medicinal Herbal-A source of Potential antioxidany | Dr. Manoj G.S (Co Author) | Botany | Indo American Journal of Pharm Research | 2014- 15 | ISSN 2231-6876 |
“Building Brand loyality through social media marketing” | Sumitha.R | Commerce | Paripex-Indian journal of Research | 2014- 15 | ISSN 2250-1991 |
“Corporate social Responsibility and it’s financial impacts to an organization | Sumitha R | Commerce | Global journal for research analysis | 2014- 15 | ISSN 2277-8160 |
“Employees perception towards corporate governance and ethics in the life Insurance industry | Anitha.K | Commerce | In the pere refered journal “Organizational Management” | 2014- 15 | ISSN 0975-699X |
“Industrial Sickness-SSIs a Major Victim” | Rakesh.S | Commerce | Kegees journal of Social Science | 2014- 15 | ISSN 0975-3621 |
Optical properties of nano crystalline HfO 2 synthesized by an auto igniting combustion synthesis | Dr.H.Padma Kumar | Physics | Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies | 2014- 15 | ISSN 2187-0764 |
Absoption and Emission sensitivity of 2-(2’-Hydroxyphpenyl)Benzoxazole to Solvents and Impurities. | Sreenath.K | Chemistry | Photo Chemistry and Photo Biology | 2014- 15 | ISSN 1474-9092 |
Strategic Implications for Segmenting the tourism Market with special reference to Ark leisure tourism segmentation | Dr. Vinod.A.S. | Commerce | Explorations | 2014- 15 | ISSN 3339-4783 |
Role of Information Technology in Banking Industry | Rakesh.S | Commerce | Institute of Management Development and Research | 2014- 15 | ISSN 2230-8431 |
Photoisomerization of cis-1, 2-di(1-Methyl-2-naphthyl)ethane at 77 K in Glassy Media | Ratheesh Kumar V.K | Chemistry | Photochem.Photobiol | 2014- 15 | ISSN 1751-1097 |
Synthesis characterization and photo luminescent properties of BaZrxNd1-xO3 perovskites | Dr.H.Padma Kumar | Physics | Journal of Alloys and Compunds | 2015- 16 | ISSN 0925-8388 |
Global dimensions of Sufi literature: contribution of Sufism in Indian and World Context | Dr. Sigma G.R | English | ADROITIC- an international refereed quarterly research journal issue octo-dec | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2349-6274 |
Renewals with mittage-Leffler Inter-Arrival Time Distribution | Sheeja S S | Mathematics | International Journal of Statics and systems | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2248-9959 |
Reservicing Failed Customers under three disciplines with alpha()-Possition arrivals | Sheeja S S | Mathematics | International Journal of Statistics and systems | 2015- 16 | ISSN 0973-2676 |
Sustainable Green Banking in India | Vishnu Gopan | Commerce | Journal “Management Researcher”(Vol-XXII No.3) | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2230-8431 |
“VIZHINJAM INTERNATIONAL SEAPORT-GATEWAY OF ASIA” | Vishnu Gopan | Commerce | “Commrce and Business Researcher” (Vol-9) issue 1&2 | 2015- 16 | ISSN 0976-4097 |
Diversity of pterivophytes of Ponmudi Hills | Dr. Manoj G.S(Co Author) | Botany | IJBPAS | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2277-4998 |
Analysis of Bioactive compounds by gc-ms from the young Leaves of Tectona Grandisl. F. | Dr. Manoj G.S(Co Author) | Botany | IJABFP | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2277-4998 |
D ye yielding plants of Malabar Region, Kerala: A Case Study. | Dr. Manoj G.S(Co Author) | Botany | IJBPAS | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2277-4998 |
Evaluation of the pharmacognostic features of canna indica L,A Rhizomatous Ornamental | Ms. Sreelekshmi.S (Co Author) | Botany | Echoes of Research | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2348-2680 |
“ Identification And Proteomic Characterization Of A Novel Stage- specific factor from Verson’s Glands In The Common Mormon Butterflies, Papilio Polytes | Dr. Gayathri Elayidam | Zoology | Journal of Applied Zoological Researches, Vol-26, No-(1), pages: 71-77 | 2015- 16 | ISSN 0970-9304 |
Performance of Kerala State Lottery | Vishnu Gopan | Commerce | journal KICMA Research: Journal of management (Vol-1) No.1 | 2015- 16 | ISSN 2395-0293 |
COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVENESS-A STUDY ON PSUs IN KERALA | Manjula.K.G. | Commerce | Southern Economist | 2015- 16 | ISSN 0038-4046 |
Optical and dielectric characterization Ceria nanocrystals synthesized by an auto-igniting combustion techniques | Dr.H.Padma Kumar | Physics | J Mater Sci: Mater Electron | 2015- 16 | ISSN 0957-4522 |
Health status of College students | Dr. B.K.Madhu | Physical Education | GCTE gernal of Research and Extention in Eduation | 2016 -2017 | ISSN -0975-5144 |
A Study on the management of Intercollegiate sports programmes in Government, aided and management colleges (with respective manageent) | Dr. B.K.Madhu | Physical Education | Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences Vol.4 No.2 | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 2249-2380 |
A Study on the management of Intercollegiate sports programmes in Government, aided and management colleges (with respective gender) | Dr. B.K.Madhu | Physical Education | Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences Vol.4 No.2 | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 2249-2380 |
Dual Role of Acetate in Copper (II) Acetate Catalyzed Dehydrogenation of Chelating Aromatic Secondary Amines.:Akinetec case study of Copper-Catalized Oxidation Reaction | Sreenath.K | Chemistry | European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | 2016 -17 | ISSN 1099-0682 |
Purification and characterization of Phenylalanine Amonia-Lyase (PAL) from Nleucobryum Bowringii Mitt | Dr. Manoj G.S(Author) | Botany | Enzymnlogy | 2016 -17 | ISSN 2455-4774 |
Bactericidal potentiality of selected Bryophytes Piagiochila Beddomei, Leucobryum Vowringii and octovlepharum Albidum | Dr. Manoj G.S(Author) | Botany | International journal of Advanced Research | 2016 -17 | ISSN 2320-5407 |
Bryophytes, the ignored medicinal herbals of the biological world-A search at Neyyar Wild life Sanctuary ,Trivandrum, Kerala | Dr. Manoj G.S(Co Author) | Botany | Kongunadu Research Journal | 2016 -17 | ISSN 2349-2694 |
RED ALGAE DIVERSITY FROM THOOTHUKUDY AND IT’S THERAPEUTIC POTENTIALS: A SEARCH | Dr. Manoj G.S(Co Author) | Botany | Indo-American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2016 -17 | ISSN 2231-6876 |
In vivo Assessment of DNA Damage and Amelioration by essential oil of Artemisia Japonica thunb. and A Nilagricra(Clarke) Pamp. Use in single cell gel electrophoresis Micro Nucleus assay | Dr. Manoj G.S(Co Author) | Botany | A journal of Phytochemistry | 2016 -17 | ISSN 0031-9422 |
Womaniya in Taslima Nasrin’s Lajja – A Feminist outlook | Dr. Sigma G.R | English | Indian journal of Post-colonial literature- IJPCL | 2016 -2017 | ISSN-0474-7370 |
The role of lmine derivatives in enhancing the third –order optical nonlinearity in PMMA films for photonics application | Dr. P.Sudheesh | Physics | Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Mateerials | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 14544164 |
“ Radiation induced dna damage evaluation of insects using comet assay | Dr. Gayathri Elayidam | Zoology | Journal of entomological research, vol-41, no- pages,119-124 | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 0378-9519 |
“ Metamorphorphic commitment induced haemolymph protein pattern of common Mormon butterfly, papilio polytes” | Dr. Gayathri Elayidam | Zoology | Journal of Applied Zoological Researches, Vol-28, No-(1), pages: 59-62 | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 0970-9304 |
NEGATIVE BINOMINAL SUM OF RANDOM VARIABLES AND MODELLING FINANCIAL DATA | Sheeja S S | Mathematics | International journal of statistics and applied mathematics | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 2456-1452 |
Lessons Learnt from Kerala’s Development Experience: How Tourism can be a Potential Game Changer? | Dr. B.Anil Kumar | Economics | ISDA | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 0971-2550 |
Inland Water Transport in Kerala: Challenges and Opportunities | Dr. B.Anil Kumar | Economics | AMC | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 0975-5497 |
CONSUMERS PERSEPTION TOWERDS QUALITY HEALTH TOURISM MARKET | Dr. Vinod.A.S. | Commerce | Southern Economist | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 0038-4046 |
A Study on the management of Intercollegiate sports programmes in Government, aided and management colleges (with respective manageent) | Dr. B.K.Madhu | Physical Education | Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences Vol.4 No.2 | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 2249-2380 |
A Study on the management of Intercollegiate sports programmes in Government, aided and management colleges (with respective gender) | Dr. B.K.Madhu | Physical Education | Journal of Physical Education and Allied Health Sciences Vol.4 No.2 | 2016 -2017 | ISSN 2249-2380 |