WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY   N.S.S unit of our college conducted a competition on poster making and awareness video making about the topic "no tobacco" .A webinar was conducted on 1/06/2021 Tuesday through Zoom platform related to anti tobacco day …

Puneet Sagar Abhiyaan

In connection with the Puneet Sagar Abhiyaan the cadets of VTM NSS College cleaned the Poovar beach area and collected and disposed 750 kg of plastic waste.

Institutional Distinctiveness

Institutional Distinctiveness Being a rural institution, VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram caters to a socially and economically weaker sections of the learner fraternity - a significant number of the them being first-generation learners. The institution devices various teaching-learning methodologies and encourages …

Best Practice

Institutional Best Practices Best Practice I: “Naipunya- One Student - Oner Skill"  I. Title of the Practice: “Naipunya- One Student - Oner Skill" - Naipunya is a Sanskrit word – which means “skil.” VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram has adopted the …