SC/ST/OBC/Minority Cell

The SC/ST/OBC/Minority Cell addresses academic and non-academic issues and complaints received from students belonging to the SC/ST/OBC and minority communities. The Institute strives to ensure an environment where all communities can participate in curricular and extra-curricular activities without any sort of caste-based discrimination. The cell ensures such an atmosphere by sensitizing the campus community with the conduct of programmes and notices at regular intervals.
The cell’s objectives are broadly:
• To sensitize the campus community regarding the importance of inclusivity and avoidance of caste-based discrimination
• To create awareness among the SC/ST/OBC/Minority students regarding various scholarships and career opportunities
• To provide a mechanism to redress the grievance of SC/ST/OBC/Minority students, if any
How to file a caste-based discrimination complaint

We encourage students to feel free to write to the email address:

In addition to email, one can also consider filing a complaint by following the instructions on the below link:

Lodge a complaint